S$880 nett for Singapore Trademark

We have streamlined a very straightforward process to help our Clients like you own your trademark in the shortest possible time!

1. Client provides us with basic information on the trademark request:

  • Type of trademark required (Word, phrase, logo, design)
  • Industry relevant to the trademark
  • Owner of the trademark (Can be person or company)

2. CorporateGuide will conduct a free search on the availability and feasibility of the trademark.

3. Invoice is issued & sent to you upon your confirmation of service should trademark be available and feasible.

4. Trademark application is submitted to IPOS within 1 business day upon receipt of payment

5. Trademark application Acknowledgement letter is emailed to you within the same business day.

6. Trademark is approved after 6 months should there be no objections. We will email to you trademark certificate copy and original certificate by registered mail.

1. Identify class of food/services

Goods and services are appropriately classified from classes 1 to 45 under the NICE Classification of Goods and Services.”. If the applicant deals in a wide range of goods or service, it will be necessary to file applications in more than one class.

2. Self search for possible conflict

It is recommended that you first conduct a search of the existing trademarks in the record maintained by the Singapore Registry of Trademarks as the application fees for trademark registration is not refundable.

3. Application filing

The goods and services listed in the application must conform to the  NICE International Classification of Goods and Services.

4. Application checking for completeness and compliance

If there is any ground for objection, the Registry will notify the applicant about the corrections required along with a specified period of time granted to overcome the objection. A trademark application number and date of application filing will be provided approximately two weeks from the date of filing.

5. Examination for conflicts with existing trademarks

The registrar conducts a formal search for conflicting marks, geographical names, and conformance to the international classification of goods and services. The trademark registration application will be rejected if there are any objection in the above research. If the applicant wants to pursue it further, the applicant will have to amend the trademark and submit a new application.

6. Examination for conflicts with law

The application will be examined to determine whether the mark is registrable in accordance with Singapore Trademark Laws and does not fall into the areas not allowed by the law.

7. Advertisement for public scrutiny

The application will be published for opposition purposes in the Trade Marks Journal upon completion of examination. Any interested party may oppose the registration of the mark within a period of two months after publication. If the trademarks office receives an objection from an opponent, the applicant must respond with a counter statement to resolve the objection.

8. Successful registration

If all the objections were resolved in favour of the applicant, the trademark will be registered and a registration certificate will be issued to the applicant.

What are the benefits of registering a trademark?



  • Secures exclusive right to use the logo and slogan in your business operations
  • Protects against unauthorised use of your logo and slogan for commercial gain
  • Gives you the right to recover damages and compensation from an infringer
  • Provides a source of revenue when you license it to a third party
  • Increases the perceived quality and market value of your company and product identity

What types of trademarks can I register?



  • Designs
  • Stylized logos
  • Slogans / Catchphrases
  • Word Marks / Character Marks
  • Series Marks

What type of trademarks are not registrable?



  • Devoid of distinctive character
  • Merely descriptive of the actual products or services
  • Names of widely-known proper names and geographical locations
  • Generic words (such as television, computer, etc)
  • Likely to cause confusion between similar products or services
  • Perceived to be deceptive, hurtful or obscene

How long does it take for a Singapore trademark registration?



The entire registration process can take up 6-12 months. Examination phase will take about 4 months, followed by 2 months where it is published.

Approval and trademark registration would be completed after 6 months if no office response is required.

What is the validity of the Singapore trademark registration?



A registered Singapore trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of application.

It can be renewed indefinitely for 10 years at a time.

To kickstart the process with us, contact us now at our Hotline +65 6589 8660 or +65 8312 4888. Alternatively you may fill up the contact form below:

Trademark Inquiry

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Register a Singapore Trademark Today

Only S$880
Free Search & Assessment